Mobile Locksmith Phoenix. As a Locksmith serving the greater Phoenix Glendale AZ area I unfortunately am all too often called to repair damages to car locks and security locking devices done by criminals to Vehicles, Residences, and Commercial Businesses. So here is some friendly advice and Locksmith Phoenix Glendale AZ Safety Tips. Since I am a Mobile Locksmith I also encounter a number of Law Enforcement Officials from Patrol Officers on up to Detectives as they try to solve numerous criminal activities perpetrated against good honest hard working people. One thing I have discovered that is common to nearly all these unfortunate victims of crime, they did not know their local Police Officers. We encourage all local residence and business owners to become at least somewhat familiar with their local patrol officers.
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Mobile Locksmith Phoenix Fast Service. Even a quick call and visit to the local precinct serving your community my be in order. And while knowing your local Police Officers will not automatically make you and your home or office completely free of being a victim of crime, it could very well make you a much less appealing target of even the most hardened career criminals.

2016 Updated picture of our locksmith Dave
Very often local Police officials are able to pass along information to the local community concerning how to secure your home, how best to secure your business and even your cars, trucks, and motorcycles from theft and vandalism. Police may even at times even need enlist the help of Phoenix Residents and Business Owners to decrease crime rates in their neighborhoods by following basic safety tips or, by being aware and on the look out for cars that are known to be currently used by local crooks. Please remember NOT to approach any possible criminal yourself. Never do that yourself. Stay safe at all times. Call 911 and report what you are witnessing to the proper authorities. You can be certain that they will arrive as soon as they are able.
So in order to help you make your business, residence, and vehicle less appealing and much less vulnerable to all the bad guys and crooks we as Master Locksmiths are encouraging all Phoenix Metro Area Residents and Business Owners to not only become aware of their local law enforcement officials but, to become involved with them in a more personal and beneficial way. Listed below are the 7 different Phoenix AZ Police Precincts, described by their locations and patrol areas. Do yourself a favor and get to know who your local cops are. They are there to serve and protect you and your family. And that’s a fact worth being involved in.
Locksmith Phoenix Metro Safety Tips
The Phoenix Police Department is divided into 7 Phoenix Police Precincts serving the entire Phoenix Metro Area
Black Mountain Precinct, 400 West Southern Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85041. Commander Michael L. Parra
W. Pecos Rd and E. Pecos Rd are the most southern roads that border this Precinct. With Interstate and Arizona Route 143 the primary bordering roads on the east. E. Maricopa Freeway and Interstate 10 are the two primary roads that are the northern boarder. N. 43rd Ave and S. 43rd Ave are the northern tip of the western bordering streets followed south by S. 39th Ave and S. 27th Ave being the southern end of the western area bordering streets.
Cactus Park Precinct, 12220 North 39th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85029. Commander Kevin Robinson
W. Indian School Rd is the southern area border. Interstate 17 ( Black Canyon Freeway ) covers the long eastern area border. The Northern most primary street border is W. Jomax Rd, but this Precinct extends beyond that to the northern most limits of Phoenix AZ.
N. 67th Ave, N. 51st Ave, and N. 43rd Ave all extend along the western border areas.
Central City Precinct, 1902 South 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85034. Commander Jeff Alexander
W. Maricopa Freeway and E. Maricopa Freeway comprise the entire southern border of this Precinct. Interstate 10 Covers the Eastern area border then loops westward to become the entire northern most roadway border. Interstate 17 ( Black Canyon Freeway ) is the western area border
Desert Horizon Precinct, 16030 North 56th Street, Phoenix AZ 85245. Commander Lisa Ruggiero
W. Campbell Ave and E. Campbell Ave cover the western most southern border area with E. Mountain View Rd and E. Cactus Rd being the southern borders on the eastern side of this Precinct. N. Scottsdale Rd, 63rd St, Tatum Blvd, and Piestewa Freeway ( Highway 51 ) are the eastern roadway borders from north to south respectively. E. Pima Freeway ( E.101 Freeway ), and E. Thunderbird Rd are the primary two northern area roadway borders. N. Black Canyon Freeway ( Interstate 17 ) is the western area border on the south side of this area, with the Piestewa Freeway ( Highway 51 ) the western border to the north.
Mountain View Precinct, 2075 East Maryland Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85016. Commander ( Unlisted at this time )
Interstate 10 is the primary roadway to the south with The Rail Road Tracks completing the southern area border area. The Cities of Tempe AZ and Scottsdale AZ comprise the eastern border area of Mountain View Precinct. W. Campbell Ave and E. Campbell Ave, and E. McDonald Dr are the norther most roadways. Interstate 17 ( Black Canyon Freeway ) and Piestewa Freeway ( Highway 51 ) are the western area roadways.
Maryvale Estrella Mountain Precinct, 6180 W. Encanto Blvd. Phoenix, AZ 85035. Commander Sean P. Connolly
W Estrella Dr is the southern most roadway. Interstate 17 ( Black Canyon Freeway ), S. 43rd Ave, and S. 27th Ave are the eastern borders respectively from north to south. W. Bethany Home Rd and W. Camelback Rd are the two primary northern area roadways. N. El Mirage Rd, N. 99th Ave, and S. 107th Ave are the primary roadway borders on the west from north to south respectively.
South Mountain Precinct, 400 West Southern Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85041. Commander Michael L. Parra
W. Pecos Rd and E. Pecos Rd are the two roadways on the south area. Interstate 10 and The Hohokam Freeway ( 143 ) are the two primary eastern area roadways that border this area. Interstate 10 and Durango St are the two primary northern roadways. N. 43rd Ave, S. 43rd Ave, S. 39th Ave, S. 27th Ave border the west from north to south respectively. So for Mobile Locksmith Phoenix Fast and Honest Help call us today.
These are the Precincts in your Phoenix AZ Area.
When you need a Locksmith or a Mobile Locksmith please give us a call. We open locked doors, re-key vehicle locks, re-key residential and business locks. Locked out of your car or truck, lost the keys to your vehicle or motorcycle? Call Mr Lock Out! Left your front door keys somewhere and you need in quickly? Call Mr Lock Out. Mobile Locksmith Phoenix Fast And Affordable. Any time you need a locksmith in Phoenix we are just a phone call away.
Mr Lockout
Glendale, Arizona 85310
Phone: 602-841-6003
Mon 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Tue 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Wed 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Thu 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Fri 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Sat 7:00 am – 10:00 pm
Sun Closed
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